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병리번호 : c 160004598
진료과 병동(의뢰처) : 대장암외과(외래) 의뢰일 : 2016.10.05
임상소견 및 병력 :
검체채취일 : 2016-10-05 검사일 : 2016-10-05 판독일 : 2016-10-07
검사명 : 외부검사
검체명 : slide 1장 unstained 2장
<추가판독> 판독일 : 2016-10-12일
<교정진단 (Corrected) 사유> 입력오류
pT classification corrected to pTis.
Colon, ascending, endoscopic polypectomy:
Adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated
1) Histologic grade : low
2) Tumor configuration : polypoid (sessile)
3) Size of tumor : 0.3x0.3x0.2cm (carcinoma):1.5x1.5x1.0cm (including adenoma)
4) Extent of invasion : mucosa (iamina propria) (pTis)
5) Resection margins
a) lateral : uncheckable
b) deep : uncheckable
6) Preexisting polyp at the site of carcinoma : present,Sessile serrated adenoma with high grade dysplasia
7) Venous invasion : not identified
8) Angiolymphatic invasion : not identified
9) Perineural invasion : not identified
10) Intratumoral or peritumoral lymphocytic response : not identified
11) Tumor border : pushing
12) Tumor budding : not identified
13) Tumor perforation : not identified
14) Peritonealization : not applicable
15) Pathologic stage (AJCC 2010) : pTisNx
검체정보 : slide 1장 unstained 2장
병원정보 : EONE Pathology, 16-S-78417 1
채취일 : 2016. 8. 19
Micro (1HE)
Colon, ascending, endoscopic polypectomy:
Adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated
1) Histologic grade : low
2) Tumor configuration : polypoid (sessile)
3) Size of tumor : 0.3x0.3x0.2cm (carcinoma):1.5x1.5x1.0cm (including adenoma)
4) Extent of invasion : mucosa (iamina propria) (pT1)
5) Resection margins
a) lateral : uncheckable
b) deep : uncheckable
6) Preexisting polyp at the site of carcinoma : present,Sessile serrated adenoma with high grade dysplasia
7) Venous invasion : not identified
8) Angiolymphatic invasion : not identified
9) Perineural invasion : not identified
10) Intratumoral or peritumoral lymphocytic response : not identified
11) Tumor border : pushing
12) Tumor budding : not identified
13) Tumor perforation : not identified
14) Peritonealization : not applicable
15) Pathologic stage (AJCC 2010) : pT1
Nont) 외부병원 슬라이드 판독으로 판독에 제한이 있습니다.