무릎 MRI 판독 결과 해석
안녕하세요, 미국에서 무릎이 안 좋아서 MRI 검사를 받았는데 결과지 해석을 부탁드립니다. 그리고 이런 경우 수술을 해야 하는지도 궁금합니다. (증상이 나타난지 3개월이 경과되었고, 그 간 치료는 주치의를 통해 진통소염제 복용, 운동재활치료, 스테로이드 연증 주사를 받았는데 여전히 걸을 때 통증이 심하고 보호대를 착용하지 않으면 다리가 불안정하여 더 큰 통증을 느낍니다.)
-------mri 결과-------
PROCEDURE COMMENTS: Multiplanar, multisequence unenhanced imaging of the right knee was performed at 3T.
Joint effusion: No joint effusion.
Menisci: Horizontal intermediate signal at the free edge of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus extending to the superior surface (4/25). The meniscus is otherwise intact. Linear low signal contiguous with the lateral meniscus is present extending across approximately 60% of the lateral tibial plateau articular surface (4/26, 6/18), possibly meniscal tissue. No lateral meniscus tear.
Ligaments: The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments, medial collateral ligament and lateral collateral ligament complex appear intact. The popliteus tendon and posterolateral corner structures appear intact.
Extensor mechanism: The extensor mechanism appears intact. Thin medial plica without central insertion (2/28). Hoffa's fat pad, suprapatellar fat pad, and quadriceps fat pad are unremarkable.
Articular cartilage and bone: Minimal signal heterogeneity within the patellar articular cartilage, suggestive of low-grade chondrosis. Minimal superficial partial thickness cartilage fissuring at the mid lateral facet. Articular cartilage is otherwise preserved. No fracture or bone marrow edema. Tiny bone island within the lateral femoral condyle.
Additional findings: Mild edema signal along the deep aspect of the tendons at the pes anserine (4/28, 2/64), suggestive of mild bursitis. No Baker's cyst.
1. Possible mild pes anserine bursitis.
2. Suspected nonacute horizontal tear at the medial meniscus.